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ahura mazda造句

"ahura mazda"是什么意思  
  • This does not exclude the possibility that they , too , are creatures of ahura mazda
  • If it represented assur for the assyrians , is it ahura mazda for the persians
  • The general scholarly opinion , at least in the west , was that the winged disc represented ahura mazda
  • The good qualities represented by these beings are also to be earned and possessed by ahura mazda ' s followers
  • Zoroaster ' s teachings , as noted above , centered on ahura mazda , who is the highest god and alone is worthy of worship
  • It is achieved only at the expense of ahura mazda , by then called ohrmazd , who is brought down to the level of his opponent , ahriman
  • The current consensus on what the faravahar meant to the ancients who carved it is that it represents not ahura mazda , but the royal glory of the persian king
  • Scholars disagree about just what the symbolism of the persian faravahar indicates . is it a symbolic image of ahura mazda , the zoroastrian name for the one god , the " wise lord ?
    学者们不同意波斯法拉瓦哈的象征意义。它是代表琐罗亚斯德教的唯一神,阿胡玛兹达, “英明的主”的一个象征肖像吗?
  • Monotheism , however , prevails over the cosmogonic and ethical dualism because ahura mazda is father of both spirits , who were divided into the two opposed principles only through their choice and decision
  • The ring which is held in the achaemenid faravahar ' s hand is still used in sassanian art to depict the royal diadem , which is handed to the new king by the symbolic representation of ahura mazda himself or by the yazata ( guardian spirit ) of waters , anahita
  • It's difficult to see ahura mazda in a sentence. 用ahura mazda造句挺难的
  • One of the central motifs of mithraism is the tauroctony , the myth of sacrifice by mithra of a sacred bull created by the supreme deity ahura mazda , which mithra stabs to death in the cave , having been instructed to do so by a crow , sent from ahura mazda
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